To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


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Last week I went to two theater productions. Thursday night was piano virtuosis HANS LIBERG. Had seen three or four of his previous shows, and as always this guy is absolutely brilliant,... a Victor Borge-clone!
Playing pretty much anything the crowd can possibly ask for and linking old classical masterpieces brilliantly with popular rap-, blues- gospel and rock songs, Liberg took the crowd through the top-100 of classical hits. AMAZING!

Friday night I watched the cabaret Trio Rooyackers, Kamps & Kamps. Totally different programme, but very cleverly put together. Entering the stage in a far too small battery-run vehicle they didn't take long to draw the spectators' attention right into their programme. We were taken back into their "old days" at the start of their success is flashback-like short acts. Drawing some of the people in the crowd litterally into their performance caused some good laughs. Didn't really like the ending of the programme though.

All in all,... great way to end the week which unfortunately led into a very sad following week.


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