To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Monday, February 12, 2007


Dreamt about walking on the Great Wall at Badaling near Beijing (China) last night.

Don't know why,... but it sure brouht some memories back of the trip to China I made in 2004.

I even told the kids in class a lot about Beijing and China and this Great Wall in class today.

I had won this trip through the internet. Normally I don't believe in this kind of offers of travel agents promising to send you anywhere, but that time I just thought I'd give it a shot and send in an email to apply for the prize. Had to find other people to vote for me as well,... And guess what....

Yep,.. I won the trip. NINE days to Beijing for FREE!!!

How 'bout that??? Chances are like almost ZERO I always thought. Well,... apparently I was very close to this almost zero....
Only paid for some excursions!

Had an absolutely fabulous time out there!
Incredible country.
Would love to take another trip (or win one,... haha!)




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