To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Monday, June 18, 2007


What a weekend this was… Good for the diet (NOT !)

After rehearsal on Saturday I played a little gig with my brother at a friend of my parents’ 60th birthday party. Always great fun when you can fool around in a silly band-outfit. Some surprised faces alright when we “marched” down the dyke they live at on the outskirts of our town.

They had a little barbecue ad buffet going for those invited, so we joined in for a few sate and salad. Then an hour later I went to a BBQ at a Jubal friend’s house. Some 40 people there. Didn’t eat too much though, but always more than the diet allows… I took it easy on the drinks too.

My folks left for a trip to Spain on Sunday morning, so I set the alarm early to stop by just before they left and say goodbye. Won’t see them for 2 months, for they’ll only get back home the day I leave for the States.

Then Sunday afternoon my pal Ed and I pulled our “children’s songs-act” out and surprised our friend Theo’s mother at her 65th B’day party.

Later that afternoon I welcomed a bunch of friends at my place for another BBQ. So you bet I had plenty of meat over the last two days alright!!!




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