To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Ready for the weekend

Every "last Friday of the week" is a good one! The weekend is here! With class ending at 12:30 PM one cannot complain. Another (short) day with unfinished bookreports which were due at the beginning of the week, but a day with excellent test results for those in their final year. And they can use a few good marks alright! That's for sure!

Planning a great X-mas dinner party for our complete staff shortly before the Christmas holidays. That will be a fun evening. A Caribbean Party in the middle of winter,.. can you picture that? We'll be turning the one of the greenhouses on our schoolgrounds into a (sub)tropical location and cranck up the temperature.

The place will have all the necessary ingredients: a small beach for volleyball and badminton, a swimming pool for those colleagues who cannot resist showing their six-packs and hairy chests (a diving board is still being negociated), beach chairs, a cocktail bar, BBQs, steel drums, a large buffet, beer barrels, limbo dancing, parrots, flamingos,...

This weekend will be a busy one. The fun-band I play in has four gigs tomorrow. And not just in our home town! We'll be driving all over the place. It's "Sinterklaas"-time... (Saint Nicholas). A very popular celebration for the kids!

Tonight rehearsal with the other lot. Getting ready for the new programme. Great music! Lots of horns!


Blogger HK said...

Dinner is going to be at school. December 21. That's a Wednesday night. You're most likely teaching that day! Sorry! Some other time...

3:26 AM


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