To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Whenever I am in the States I simply HAVE TO try out all the restaurants that serve spare ribs (usually baby back ribs).

This trip I had ribs twice before we arrived in Burkburnett.

Last Sunday on our day off in San Antonio I had ribs at Tony Roma's, right at the River Walk.

The very best ribs so far on any of my USA adventures I had at the Montgommery Inn in Concinnatti (Ohio). Unbelievable!!!! that was a few years ago though. Haven't had any good ones like that since!

Now the band booster parents of the local high school band in Burkburnett were so kind to prepare a typicasl Texas roast dinner for the Blue Devils.

One of the parents - Rob the Rib guy as he is know in the area - was already cooking out on his grill outside of the school when we woke up (8AM). He would serve us some real Texas Beef Ribs.

Oh my gosh... were they great or what!!!

Quite a size too, if you're only used to eating rugular (pork) ribs. They were incredibly tender too! Delicious!

Rob had grilled enough to feed 400 he had said... Well,.. then he surely doesn;t know what drumcorps kids eat... They had to order extras for the pit which came in late.




Blogger Erik van Schelt said...

Ik wist niet dat het zo hard trainen is in de states waardoor ze zo afvallen dat je alle ribben kan tellen (Grapje)

4:34 PM


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