To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Thursday, June 05, 2008


I know, I know... I've been way too lazy lately and haven't written here for a long time (AGAIN!)

Eventhough there's quite a bit to share with you all, I just didn't take the time to actually sit down and have my fingers run across the keyboard.

Went to a cool concert the other week!

Had thought about possibly going there and ordering tickets way back, but that was something else I never got to. Then the night prior to the concert a friend of mine said he got two tickets (from his boss) but couldn't go himself.

Well,.. there was my chance!
Turned out to be a great night. And a free concert! You don't hear me complain!

Amazing how many of the songs they (Gordon, Gerard Joling and René Froger) sang everyone knows. OK,.. they had some sort of Karaoke text running across the monster screens,.. but still..

All classics! From the standard Dutch songs to 70's/80's songs. Some special guests on stage as well. Three national artists and The Trammps!!

I was lucky I had the first few hours off from school, because the concert ran pretty late. We took the train back from Amsterdam to Rotterdam, and there I missed my connecting train back to Dordrecth. So that meant I spent the night with a friend in Rotterdam and took an early train home the next morning in order to make it in time for school.

And the beer tasted good too @ the Arena!





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