To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Monday, January 29, 2007


Unfortunately our band's website is down. Server problems. This really sucks, for lots of people are checking out the site to read more about the results of our RAMSPOED Festival.
For those fans who can't wait... I will post them here.

Overall placements:
1. Bar Gebeure - 458,3 (M5, C3, T2, A2)
2. Koorenbouters - 457,2 (M11, C1, T1, A6)
3. The Bloopers - 373,6 (M6, C9, T4, A3)
4. Altijd Wat - 371,2 (M13, C2, T3, A8)
5. Blazerus - 357,2 (M12, C7, T5, A4)
6. ZWO De Makrele - 335,5 (M1, C6, T10, A1)
7. Stumpers - 334,7 (M8, C5, T6, A10)
8. Black Woow's - 333,7 (M2, C8, T7, A9)
9. She's - 327,1 (M3, C4, T11, A5)
10. Bend Bekend - 295,8 (M7, C10, T8, A13)
11. Blaoskaffers - 286,2 (M4, C12, T13, A7)
12. Gèf Hard - 258 (M10, C13, T12, A12)
13 Bolblaozers - 253,4 (M9, C11, T14, A11)
14. Zullie - 231,5 (M14, C14, T9, A14)
(Between brackets the placements in the captions: Music - Carnaval - Theme and Applause.
Note: FINAL Overall scores based on 40% of Music score + 40% of Carnaval score + 50% of Theme score + 20% of Applause score)




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