To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Vélo volé - Centre Pompidou, Paris - juin 2005

Tongue twister:
C'est l'évadé du Nevada qui dévalait dans la vallée,
dans la vallée du Nevada, qu'il dévalait pour s'évader,
sur un vilain vélo volé, qu'il a volé dans une villa,
et le valet qui fut volé vit l'évadé du Nevada qui dévalait dans la vallée,
dans la vallée du Nevada,
qu'il dévalait pour s'évader sur un vilain vélo volé.

I live in a country where a bike is a must-have! One of the most popular means of transportation. One of the curious facts of the Netherlands is that nearly 90 percent of the population own at least one bicycle, and we all use it regularly.

Bicycles are a very familiar part of everyday life in the Netherlands. In fact, the 16 million Dutch people own about 14.5 million bicycles; that's nearly as many bicycles as people, and twice as many bikes as cars!

Bikes are a great and easy way of getting around here because the country is so flat. Dutch people don't just use their bikes for fun - cycling is an important way of travelling, from doing the daily shopping to going to work or school.




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