To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Saturday, August 11, 2007


After leaving Reno we headed to Palo Alto, California. This name rang a bell, for I used to know someone from Indonesia who studied there a number of years ago: Tiara Josodirdjo. I had met her in Hamar (Norway) on a trip with Jubal,.. I think that was 1985. (Wow,… we’re getting old!)
What a coincidence when I found out the school we were housed at was located on El Camino Real,… which was in fact also the street she lived on.
I’m quite sure she moved back to Indonesia…
Blue Devils are celebrating their 50th Anniversary this year. The DCI Western Regional which was held last Saturday was the Devils’ home show. In fact it was a joint anniversary event, because the Santa Clara Vanguard are celebrating their 40th this year.
It was a fabulous show! I watched the show from up top in the VIP Box. Great view!
The Stanford stadium is a brand-new stadium. This was the first event other than football held there. Someone told me it’s a one billion dollar stadium. Hey,… I believe it.
We had already spent a few days here in Palo Alto, across the street from the stadium. A very good rehearsal both on Thursday and Friday. Friday evening an audio recording was made of the repertoire. Frank Dorritee, Blue Devil Alumni, makes a 5.1 Surround recording of the corps every year. Right after the recording session the corps walked over to the nearby Sheraton hotel, where they gave a little concert for the attendees of the Anniversary dinner. Friday after dinner, mainly Alumni and representatives of DCI and the instrument manufacturers such as Dynasty and Remo.
The evening rehearsals were held in the big stadium. What a fantastic opportunity!
I saw some of the alumni members that marched in 2004 and 2005 when I toured with them as well, That was fun! Some of them are actually going to Pasadena too. That should be fun!
Might hang out with them there.
Blue Devils didn’t have a good performance at the Anniversary show. They completely blew the opener. One of the drum majors started the show too early, so not everyone was ready to go. Oh well,.. they only lost by 0,3 points. I had expected a much bigger difference between them and Cadets.
Blue Devils C corps performed last at the show. What a fun show. These little kids (7 through 14 year-olds) stole the hearts of the crowd! The combined hornlines of the Blue Devils, Santa Clara Vanguard and both Blue Devils and Santa Clara alumni corps performed several selections of well-known and popular BD and SCV tunes. The crowd was thrilled.




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