To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


"Sleep" - Salvador Dali (approx. 1937)

I have always dreamt quite a bit,... all my life.
Sometimes they were a bit scary, especially when things eventually became reality.

I used to have a notebook near my bed when I was young and used to either write, but most of the time draw what I remembered.
One of the craziest dreams was when I attended my own funeral. The funny thing however was that it was exactly the way I would like it to be...
Lately I have been dreaming the weirdest combinations of totally unrelated things. Long dreams too!
I usually have a hard time remembering what exactly I dreamt when I wake up.

Different dreams.... Some really funny, hilarious in fact. I even wake up laughing.
But this one dream has been coming back a few nights over the last weeks.
I found a new job and all I did was putting things in large Federal Express or UPS envelopes. Don't think it was letters I put in, but small notes, or pictures. Thousands of envelopes. Every single day. All of them to addresses abroad.
After work - on the way home - I always went to a church (which I never do in real life, except for visiting churches when sight-seeing) to attend mass, after which two angels take me home.
My house doesn't have any doors. I have no idea (or don't remember) how I manage to get in. I believe I walk right through the wall. On the doormat (strange, for there are no doors!) there are always a number of these envelopes I mentioned,.. "address unknown". The doorbell wakes me up.
This is only one example.



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