To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Saturday, June 14, 2008


OK,... sometimes phone calls are absolutely annoying.

I just HATE these calls around dinner time about mortgage, insurance, pensions, subscriptions, green energy (come on... egt a life!), charity funds and I don't know what other crap.

Don't get me wrong. Ido contribute quite a bit to charity funds, but just DON'T DISTURB me when I'm having dinner!!!

Other phone calls can be a warm welcome interruption of the daily routine.... or like tonight, of the NIGHTLY routine.

I just got home from the band's rehearsal site (where moste members watched the French being humiliated by our national football team) and a short visit to a pub owned by a former member in town. Had some interesting conversations there.... Interesting to hear what others think of or about me... haha.

Whenever I get home - no matter what time it is - I always start my computer to check my mail. No special messages tonight ...

And then.. at about 4 AM,... the phone rings...
It's pretty much getting light outside at this time.

Now I didn't expect a phone call at this time of day,... It kept me awake for the next hour or so,... but I will definitely sleep a lot better now!
These phone calls can come ANY time of day.
I'd better be home when the phone rings though!!!

Sweet dreams! I'm off to bed now!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

zit een beetje oude blogs te lezen erg leuk weer terug te lezen!!!!!!

7:23 PM


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