To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I missed a call the other day. Now some people can call me ANY time of day, and they know it, but I had left my phone on the bus and didn't bring it with me unfortunately. No message on the voice mail either.
But a text message popped up on my screen... Text messages are always good! With the time difference a text message would be easier too, AND cheaper! If you don't carry your phone around, the message will be waiting for me when you wake up in the morning, or in this case when I get back to the bus.

Doing all this travelling from state to state, I sometimes don't realize what time zone we're in and what the difference is with the Netherlands. Right now we're on Eastern time, so that means a difference of 6 hours. I wouldn't want to wake anybody up in the middle of the night back home, and I don't think my fellow passengers here would enjoy my phone ringing at 3AM either.




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