To achieve great things, two things are needed;.............. a plan, and not quite enough time. (NOTE: MOST PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS WEBLOG COPYRIGHT BY HANS KLOPPERT)

Monday, July 13, 2009


I couldn't sleep all that well last night, so I went back out again at 2AM to check my mail and work on the computer a little bit, when all of a sudden at about 3 oçlock somebody was knocking on the door of The Nest (our staffbus) and shone a flashlight into the bus.

It was the security guard of the school complex. He warned that wind of 60-70 miles per hour was expected. And he was right. All three tents that are used over the food tables had laready gone up in the air and had been blown all over the place. One had ended up all the way over on the next parking lot.

I didn't nee dlong to decide and fold them together and store them underneath the food trailer. When busy with the second tent all of a sudden the wind caught the juice table - filled with about 5 big waterjugs - and blew it over. The watercoolers were rolling across the lot and obviously all that was in it was now generously finding its way on the concrete.

It was quite a surprise to the others when they woke up and thought somebody had played a joke on the corps' food truck. We made pancakes for breakfast. Plain ones, chocolate chip ones (and we switched to M&M's when we ran out of chocolate chip chuncks) and blueberry pancakes. Rebecca (color guard member who also marched in 2008) remembered I had made banana pancakes for myself last year and tried one too then. I love banana or apple pancakes, so decided to make some again.

Lunch was sandwiches,.. and believe it or not,.. that IS a lot of work to prepare. And it is one of the most expensive lunches for the corps as well.

Right after lunch we visited a little neat air & space museum located right behind the practice field. Pretty cool! They even had a replica of a space shuttle.

I watched some more of rehearsal in the afternoon and after dinner I went to the stadium and watched the second half of the evening. Enjoyed Bluecoats a lot again tonight. Mid-show the drumline and hornline take off their uniform jackets and helmets to continue the rest of the show in very cool shirts with cloud-prints, just like the guard is wearing.

Cavaliers have another show which you have to see and hear. I imagine whenever they do a standstill encore concert after a show the crowd have no clue whatsover they are playing.

Blue Devils won tonight's show as well with little over a full point difference. Staff though they didn't ddo the best job they could have done at this spoint in the season, but hey... still undefeated!It's only this coming Saturday in San Antonio that BD will go up against Carolina Crown, Phantom Regiment and the Holy Name Cadets. That will be an exciting event!

Another few minutes and we're off to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tomorrow the corps is doing a System Blue clinic. We'll have to feed about 100 high school kids for dinner. Yikes!

Good night!




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