Seem to be getting kinda sloppy in updating this weblog. Started the year promising with posts pretty much every day, but it has again been a week since my last post...
Had a very busy (Easter) weekend.
Left for Someren (near Eindhoven) on Friday for a 4-day camp with the corps. Pretty intense!
We had already learnt the drill to opener and the ballad, but had yet to put everything together and coordinate the pieces with marching and music.
Friday night we had ensemble with brass & pit. Saturday and Sunday were all-day rehearsals on the field. The weather was a bit disappointing on Saturday, but Sunday more than made up for this. Lots of members were complaining about sunburn!
Saturday we learnt Part II of the show,... with quite an interesting drill. Field rehearsals ran from 9AM to 6PM, followed by an indoor ensemble rehearsal staring at 7PM. Not enough time for a well-deserved dinner!
Saturday night is the traditional TALENT NIGHT. Every section (line) presents itself to the rest of the corps members, some with serious presentations, others with absolutely hilarious acts. Lots of fancy dress again this time!
I ran the cocktailbar, with drinks at €1 only, so quite a few finished the evening liquored-up.
Sunday we learnt the closer. Again a very intense piece, both musically as well as in movement.
Sunday night the staff presented what this year's show is all about. Presentation took a bit too long, but hey,... where would we go?
Unfortunately all four beer barrels we had for the weekend had pretty much been emptied the night before, so I took out the cocktail bar utensils and made a few more "other" drinks. Piña Coladas and Screwdrivers this time.
Monday was our last day there and we put everything together. Right after lunch a large number of former members (alumni), parents and friends (and the ex,... sigh!) came to witness what we had been working on. We concluded the afternoon at 3PM with a full runthrough of the entire show.
Camp has been successful! Never before had we learnt the full show this early in the season. Now it's time to start cleaning the act! And we have a looooooooooong way to go!
First gig is next weekend already. Concert and parade only though.
Then the week after that will be "Koninginnedag" (our Queen's birthday)...
On my way home from Someren I made a quick stop in Breda for the Jazz event I mentioned last week. Saw my friends of Jazz Connection perform again. Brought the CDs with all the photos I took at the Breda Big Jazz Night for them. They will appear on their website pretty soon I think.